Contact us today to discuss an estimate, and an immediate time to meet regarding your project.

Estimate Appointment & Project Planning

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business, build a new home, remodel, custom project. Or maybe you have a creative project you want to share with your family and contribute to their happiness in the investment you make to upgrade your lifestyle. Please call or text us direct at 918-804-3155 or email us at These estimate times are not guaranteed, as scheduling is very tight and constantly changing. In that regard, we will immediately contact you and get your project going.

We come out, perform an assessment of your projects, prepare an estimate for you, and get it sent to you within a few days. After confirmation, we will beginning scheduling and material acquisition, and start the project installation.

Schedule your free consultation to start planning your projects.


A portal is coming online soon for available access for Subcontractors or related personnel. This portal will allow you to visualize your projects, contracts, or any other pertinent information related in doing business with Custom Builds, LLC. This will allow you also to follow any updates to policies, procedures, and any other information that is your responsibility to keep up with.